
Press media

Below you find our press media. Highres images are downloadable and free of rights, in case the museum name and context are mentioned.

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Liturgisch gewaad_Nederland_2018_Bruikleen van kunstenaar Alexandra Drenth

Overview photo of the Closeness and Intimacy room. Photo: Aad Hoogendoorn

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CAFTAN WITH BELT_Fes,Morocco and Veghel,the Netherlands_2023_linen,silk_Mrs. Azzabi
Photocredit Alex Santos Lima

Overview photo of the second room Entangled at the Hair Power exhibition. Photo: Aad Hoogendoorn

Tentoonstelling Kolonialisme en Rotterdam
Overzichtsfoto tentoonstelling
Foto: Aad Hoogendoorn

Julian Knxx, On Freedom of Movement (wi de muv) 2023 | fotocredit Aad Hoogendoorn

Exhibition Kruispunt Rotterdam. Photo: Wereldmuseum.

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Huipil_Mexico_1969_Collectie Museum Volkenkunde_RV-4436-290b

Overview photo of the room Entangled. Photo: Aad Hoogendoorn

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Overview exhibition
Photocredit Alexander Santos Lima