
Press media

Below you find our press media. Highres images are downloadable and free of rights, in case the museum name and context are mentioned.

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Kleed_Iran_1850_Collectie Wereldmuseum_WM-7742(1)

ConcreteBlossom Fotocredit: Romy Zhang

Tentoonstelling Kolonialisme en Rotterdam
Gezicht op het dorp Nieuw Rotterdam; Waterverfschildering; maker onbekend; Suriname; ca. 1860; TM-3348-18

Tentoonstelling Kolonialisme en Rotterdam
Overzichtsfoto tentoonstelling
Foto: Aad Hoogendoorn

In Superstraat. Photo: Aad Hoogendoorn

The world is yours entree zaal tien plekken van hiphop. te zien in Wereldmuseum Rotterdam. FOTO Ouxu Cheng

Overzichtsfoto A World in Common | fotocredit Aad Hoogendoorn

Walrus tusk necklace fastened with numerous braids. In the 19th century it is said to have been worn by chiefs. The pigtails were donated by community residents. Photo: Aad Hoogendoorn

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Arpilleras_Chileens_voor1979_Collectie Tropenmuseum_TM-4313-86

Fotocredit: Damon Vervoort - Notes

Tentoonstelling Kolonialisme en Rotterdam
Ruby Joemai; ‘Kaam Kari La’; 2021; Fotograaf: Roy Verver