
Press media

Below you find our press media. Highres images are downloadable and free of rights, in case the museum name and context are mentioned.

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Installation of dozens of hair and decorative combs from the NMVW collection. Photo: Aad Hoogendoorn

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Sarong_Indonedië_ca.1900_Collectie Wereldmuseum_WM-72446

Overzichtsfoto A World in Common | fotocredit Aad Hoogendoorn

Fotocredit: Brand New Guys creative agency

Tentoonstelling Kolonialisme en Rotterdam
Yassine Ben Abdallah; 'The Bittersweet Memory of the Plantation'; 2022; fotograaf: Jeroen van de Gruiter

Exhibition What a Genderful World. Photo: Jordy Brada

The world is yours door BANLIEUE. te zien in Wereldmuseum Rotterdam. FOTO Ouxu Cheng

Audiovisual installation with images of various Rotterdam hair businesses

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Jurk_Jemen_1900tm1977_Collectie Wereldmuseum_WM-65173

Overzichtsfoto A World in Common | fotocredit Aad Hoogendoorn

Welcome wall with graphic text Hair Power at the entrance of the exhibition. Photo: Aad Hoogendoorn